What is the Child and Youth Safe Framework?

by Brighton Council

Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (the Framework) is a law to keep children safe in organ­isations. “The Framework is about putting children and young people first,” shared a victim-survivor of child sexual abuse in a Tasmanian institu­tion. The Framework can be likened to workplace health and safety, in that it represents ongoing best-practice as  opposed to a temporary set  of activities.

The Framework creates the Child and Youth Safe Stan­dards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, information sharing provisions, and establishes the Independent Regulator.

The Child and Youth Safe Standards:

  • 10 things organisations must do to respect and uphold children and young people’s rights.
  • Includes a Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety.
  • Creates accountability in preventing harm to chil­dren and young people.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme:

  • Requires specific organi­sations to report concerns about an adult worker’s behaviour towards chil­dren and young people to the Independent Regulator.
  • Requires these organ­isations to undertake investigations of concerns about an adult worker’s behaviour.
  • Ensures organisations respond to harm to chil­dren and young people in a timely and appropriate manner.

The Independent Regulator:

  • Is independent from the Tasmanian Government and reports to parliament, not a department. The Independent Regulator is Louise Coe.
  • Oversees a wide range of Tasmanian organisations that engage with children and young people.
  • Assists organisations to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Standards including the Universal Principle and monitors ongoing compliance.
  • Builds the capability of organisations to prevent, identify, and respond to harm to children and young people.
  • Ensures organisations report and undertake investigations correctly in line with the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
  • Is established and given powers under the Child and Youth Safe Organisa­tions Act 2023.
  • Has significant enforce­ment powers to ensure compliance.
  • Can share information in the interests of protect­ing children and young people.
  • Will collect and report on trends in relation to child and youth safe organisa­tions.

Information sharing provi­sions are specific rules written into the law that mean leaders of organisations covered by the Framework are permitted to share personal informa­tion in certain circumstances. The Framework covers many types of organisations that engage with children and young people. If your organi­sation engages with children and young people, it could be legally required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework. To find out more or to request a meeting or information session for your community group or sports club visit www.oir.tas.gov.au/organisations.

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