Learn suicide prevention with QPR training
by Brighton Council
Primary Health Tasmania has an online education program called QPR, designed to teach people how to recognise and respond to signs of a suicide crisis. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer, and the training can be completed at your own pace using a computer and internet access.
It aims to teach you basic information about suicide, warning signs to watch for, and how to effectively communicate with someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. The program concludes with a short quiz and survey. It should take about one to two hours in total. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate.
To learn more or enroll in QPR Training, visit www.primaryhealthtas.com.au/for-health-professionals/programs/mental-health/suicide-prevention.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help call Lifeline on 13 11 14.