Help banish boneseed from Brighton

by Brighton Council
Boneseed is highly invasive but the seedlings are easy to hand pull. Best of all, there are no prickles or thorns!

We’re seeking your help to banish boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) from the Brighton area!

Boneseed is a perennial evergreen shrub, growing up to three metres in height and width. It has woody branched stems and oval shaped leaves, with irregularly serrated edges. Its bright yellow “daisy-like” flowers have 5 to 8 petals and develop in clusters at the end of the branches. As the name suggests its pea-sized seeds have a hard seed coat and can remain in the soil for many years and remain viable after time in the water.

Boneseed regenerates quickly, and has an absence of natural predators, which allows it to easily outcompete other species. It is often found in disturbed areas but can also invade the understorey of native forests and bushland, outcompeting native plants and reducing biodiversity. It is particularly invasive in coastal areas where it can form dense thickets.

With no prickles or thorns, boneseed is easy to handle and is a great weed to start your weed campaign with. Seedlings can be hand pulled, smaller plants are easy to cut and paint using secateurs and a dabber bottle. A small hand saw may be needed for larger plants.

Boneseed is a declared weed and is considered a weed of national significance due to its negative impacts and potential to spread. If you see any around your garden or local area, grab your gloves and get weeding!

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Help banish boneseed from Brighton
Help banish boneseed from Brighton
Help banish boneseed from Brighton
Help banish boneseed from Brighton
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