Fun Facts

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The population of the Brighton Municipality is the largest in the Southcentral region (which is made up of the Derwent Valley, Central Highlands and Southern Midlands councils) at 18,595 people.
We have the youngest median age at 35 in the Southcentral region, you spring chickens!

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Brighton Council embraces reconciliation
Brighton Council has been progressing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) under the Reconciliation Australia framework. A RAP is a structured approach to advancing reconciliation in Australia by making a public commitment as an organisation to reconciliation. There are three core pillars – Relationships, Respect and Opportunities.
New solar panels to save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Next time you’re going past the Civic Centre, look up at the roof!
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts
August – September 2024

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