Bridge moving along

by Brighton Council
Bridgewater Bridge. Pic: Supplied, Premier’s office

Construction on the new Bridgewater Bridge continues to move along. In April, the first of the concrete deck seg­ments of the new bridge were put into place, each weighing between 50 and 90 tonnes. As a result, motorists are asked to remain aware of oversized trucks moving in the area – which are carrying these con­crete segments – from Bridge­water to Granton via the East Derwent Highway and Brooker Highway over coming months as construction continues.

To minimise disruption and to keep people safe, the move­ments will take place during the day, outside of peak travel times. While no major road closures are expected, motor­ists are asked to slow down if they see a Transport Inspector or pilot vehicle and obey all directions given. Some minor interruptions to traffic may occur. These will include short traffic stops as the heavy trucks travel over a series of bridges, including the Jordan River Bridge.

In addition to this progress, more pylons are being set, and moulds made in Latrobe are being used.

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February – March 2025

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