$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities

by Brighton Council

In the recent Federal election campaign, the Labor Party committed to investing $2.3 million into the upgrade of the Ted Jeffries Memorial Park in Brighton. It’s part of the Ted Jeffries Memorial Park Master Plan, which was supported by the then-incumbent Federal Labor Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell, Football Tasmania, the Brighton Storm Soccer Club, and the Brighton Council. The Liberal Party also promised to match Labor’s funding if they were successful in the Federal Election too.

The proposal includes plans for:

• Two full-size soccer pitches and two junior soccer pitches

• A shared clubroom facility

• A new parking area

• A bus zone with a bus shelter

• An extension and refurbishment of the existing playground and picnic facilities

• A youth facility which includes a skate park, a basketball court, and an events space

• Two fenced dog parks

• Additional landscaping and tree planting.

The Master Plan is a welcome response to the rapid population growth and expanding recreational needs in Brighton and surrounding areas. “Brighton is one of the fastest growing areas in Tasmania and deserves public amenities to match,” said Mitchell. “The funding will sup[1]port the fast-growing sport of soccer in Brighton and improve the Ted Jeffries Memorial Park, which is very popular with local families.” Mayor Leigh Gray sees the Ted Jefferies Memorial Park in Seymour Street as an integral part of the local community. “It is an important part of people’s day-to-day lives and outdoor enjoyment, including the soccer community in our area,” said Gray. In addition to the $2.3 million commitment from the Labor Party, Brighton Council will contribute $1.1 million. To find out more about the Ted Jeffries Memorial Park Master Plan, visit www.brighton.tas.gov.au/community/have-yoursay

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$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
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$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
$2.3 million bipartisan support for new local sporting facilities
June – July 2024

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