Milestone for new Build Up Tassie graduates
by Brighton Council
Another group of 12 young people have successfully completed a community project and graduated from the Build Up Tassie pre-employment Orientation Program, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards careers in construction. Centacare Evolve Housing’s Build Up Tassie Orientation Program is a free nine-week program designed to support young people looking to enter the construction industry. Build Up Tassie provides participants with coaching, skill development and industry exposure to help them become life-ready, skill-ready and work-ready.
“Community projects are a big piece of the program,” said Zac Mastrocola, Build Up Tassie Coach. “It’s a great way for participants to put their new practical skills to the test and feel pride in their work, knowing that they are giving back to their community.” The latest Build Up Tassie Crew partnered with the David Stephen Neighbourhood Garden, building picnic tables, benches and raised garden beds for the garden’s patrons to enjoy. Their achievements were celebrated at a graduation event in the last week of September. “This is our third and final Build Up Tassie Crew of the year; each graduation is a special moment of reflection, seeing how much each of the participants has grown,” said Mel Ransley, Build Up Tassie Head Coach. All of the participants experience barriers to employment in the construction industry, so the project supports young people to build confidence and create opportunities. “It was fantastic to be surrounded by the friends and family of our participants at graduation, as well as staff from Centacare Evolve Housing and our industry partners who show their support for our young people and their ongoing journey,” added Mel.
The team at Centacare Evolve Housing congratulates the graduates on their success and look forward to seeing their future contributions to the industry.