Exciting changes to come

by Brighton Mayor Leigh Gray

Coming into 2022 things maybe a little tough for a while in light of Tasmanian borders opening up and the inevitable spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Council is well prepared for the year ahead and have all our arrangements in place to ensure work continues. Our management team has prepared a COVID response plan and we’re ready to tackle what the next few months brings as we manage the virus as carefully and safely as possible.

That being said we have a big, exciting year in front of us, with major projects expecting to start in this calendar year. The Bridgewater Bridge will begin construction in the second half of the year after the approval process has been completed. This is the biggest infrastructure project in Tasmania’s history and it is on our own doorstep. It promises to create significant employment opportunities for locals and we’ll share further details with you along the way.

The new Brighton High School is well into its planning stage and a start is expected in 2023.The Jordan River Learning Federation School Farm improvements are well underway and we’ll see the start and completion of some new parks at Bridgewater, Gagebrook, Brighton and Herdsmans Cove.

We have established a Jobs Hub for our region with our neighbouring Councils. This officially opens in February but is already kicking goals and creating employment and training opportunities for our residents.

I’ve been appointed Chair of the sub-region of Councils that includes Brighton, Central Highlands, Derwent Valley and Southern Midlands. I’m excited about the co-operative nature of the group to further advance opportunities that benefit the region as a whole.

This group of sub regional Councils has engaged KPMG to provide a report highlighting issues and infrastructure requirements for our region into the future. KPMG will prepare an Economic Infrastructure Development Study to highlight the region’s growth profile, which will include the emerging regional growing pains and the infrastructure investment priorities we will need to respond to the foreseeable issues. We’ll receive the full report in February, providing our councils with information and insights into what we will need for the future as a region.

You will read in this edition how Brighton Council recently welcomed the Greater Hobart Transport Vision and the requests for support from the State Government. The proposal will greatly benefit commuters and residents in our area, giving them more choice, opportunities and potentially saving time and money. Very early discussions have already commenced with stakeholders to encourage the establishment of a Bridgewater and Old Beachberry service with the expansion of the existing services on the River Derwent, and a 25 minute express service to Hobart.

We are fast approaching our budget time and although we have plans already in place for new assets and the upkeep of our existing infrastructure, we’re always open to suggestions from our residents. If you have any ideas on improvements, we can make then please reach out and let us know.

Our Grants Program is also opening soon so if you have a project for a community organization that meets the criteria, you can apply for a grant. Watch Council’s Facebook and web page for when these open.

Wishing everyone a safe and steady year ahead.

Brighton Mayor

Leigh Gray

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