Bridgewater Jerry photography competition now open

by Brighton Council

The annual Café Connections Bridgewater Jerry Photo Com­petition has opened to coincide with the cooler months and peak asthma season.

Asthma Australia is sponsoring the event once again. Everyone is encouraged to enter their fa­vorite photo of the Bridgewater Jerry via the Café Connections Facebook page. Café Connec­tions Coordinator Moira David­son said the Bridgewater Jerry photography competition is about celebrating the commu­nity and the weather phenom­enon. “It is our goal to show that there is beauty to be found in our community that should make us all proud. The compe­tition is about celebrating one of our most iconic assets.”

Asthma Australia said the com­petition is a way of celebrating the community and also a unique opportunity for raising awareness about getting asth­ma ready for winter. “When Jerry is here, asthma season is near,” says Asthma Australia Tasmanian Coordinator Jess Tyler. “The Jerry is an iconic piece of Hobart’s landscape, and it’s a visual cue that the weather needed to make Jerry is also the same weather that causes the worst respi­ratory issues for many in the community.”

What better reminder to get asthma-ready for the winter season than a big rolling fog bank, bringing with it the cold weather? “When you see the Jerry, it’s the time to get an asthma action plan ready with your health professional, re­view your medication and make sure your spacer is at the ready,” Jess said.

Café Connections meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Bean to Brew in the Civic Cen­tre, and it’s no ordinary café. “It’s a place for community members to come together and have intentional conversations about making a more positive and connected space to live. Everyone is welcome to come along and have a cuppa and chat,” Moira said.

The competition opened on World Asthma Day on 7 May and closes in August. Winners will be announced during Asthma Week in September.

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Bridgewater Jerry photography competition now open
Bridgewater Jerry photography competition now open
Bridgewater Jerry photography competition now open
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