A Sustainable Approach to Holiday Celebrations

by Brighton Council

With Christmas over and Easter approaching, it’s worthwhile thinking about what you can recycle from your celebratory goodies.

As well as the paper packaging from any presents, egg cartons can also be recycled. Made from paper pulp, these cartons are biodegradable and suitable for composting too. Decorations can be recycled if they are paper; you can also give these a second-life by re-using them, donating or using them for craft projects.

And don’t forget the foil from Easter egg packaging. Aluminum foil, widely used to wrap chocolate eggs, can be recycled. Even the tiniest scraps of wrapping make a difference, with recycling helping reduce the energy consumption associated with aluminum production. To recycle Easter egg wrappers, roll the foil into a ball about the size of your fist (a good excuse to enjoy more than one chocolate egg!) – this will prevent the foil from falling through the recycling machinery and ending up in landfill. Maybe keep a ball for you to add to as you enjoy your chocolate stash.

For more information on what can go into your kerbside recycling bin, check out www.brighton.tas.gov.au/property/waste.

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