Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville

by Brighton Council

Earlier this year the Brighton Municipality welcomed the new South Central Regional Jobs Hub in Pontville. With a goal to connect 2000 Tasmanians with workplaces over the next three years, the new Jobs Hub is designed to connect workplaces with job seekers and to provide training and support during the hiring process. Brighton Council will operate the Hub along-side the Southern Midlands, Derwent Valley, and Central Highlands councils.

The Southcentral Work-force Network Jobs Hub at Brighton will receive $1.625 million in funding as well over three years as part of the $10.6 million investment made by the Tasmanian government to extend the Jobs Hubs network in the state.

Brighton Council Mayor, Leigh Gray said the Jobs Hub will only build on the success of the group’s current workforce development project. “The State Government’s funding for this important initiative is recognition of the commitment and success to date of our four councils working together to identify and develop employment opportunities in the region,” said Mayor Gray. Southern Midlands Council Mayor, Alex Green praised the proactive nature of the four councils to provide potential employers with suitably trained, employment-ready employees to provide a needed boost to the region. “We are delighted that the State Government has provided funding support for the Brighton-based Jobs Hub,” said Mr Mayor Green.

A number of sectors in the area have been identified to undergo strong growth in the coming years with positive opportunities arising in areas of transport and logistics, agriculture, tourism and hospitality, and the distilling and brewing industries. Major infra-structure projects such as the Bridgewater Bridge and Midlands Highway have already outlined a minimum percentage of workers to be hired from neighbouring areas.

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Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
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Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
Locals in the hiring line: new Jobs Hub opens in Pontville
December 2024 – January 2025

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