Ute loads of rubbish removed on Clean Up Australia Day
by Brighton Council
Last month community groups and friends came together across Australia to do their part toward Clean Up Australia Day.
Local groups took to our natural areas to collect rubbish. Brighton Councillor De La Torre assisted in getting people along to the Bridgewater foreshore Clean Up Australia day event.
The strangest find on the day was a stolen motorbike which has now been returned to its owner! He also thanked Salt Jordan Valley Anglican and Bean to brew for providing free drinks on the day and Bluegum Trailer Hire for collecting the rubbish for appropriate disposal. Old Beach Neighbourhood Watch were joined by local scouts and cleanup enthusiasts from as far away as Bagdad at the Clean Up Australia event on the Old Beach foreshore. The group removed a ute load of rubbish!
Justin from the Derwent Catchment Project was also on hand at the Old Beach clean up to help budding weed removalists get started on tackling a big patch of boneseed on the foreshore. Boneseed is one of thirty two Austalian weeds considered to be of National Significance. It easily invades natural bush and farmlands, particularly in coastal areas.
Its bone-like seeds can remain viable in the soil for 10 years. It has bright yellow flowers and grows to a height of around two to three metres.