Brighton residents rally to save thousands of kilograms from landfill

by Brighton Council
Garage Sale Trail

People of Brighton have turned their unwanted possessions into cash by participating in the annual Garage Sale Trail last November. They also saved 6,796 kg of items otherwise heading to landfill. More than $5000 was generated as a re­sult, with homewares, clothing and books, magazines, DVDs and vinyl being the most popu­lar items.

Results of a recently released report by the organisers, Ga­rage Sale Trail, and Taverner Research Group highlighted the outcomes of the waste re­duction initiative made possi­ble by Brighton Council and the Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority (STRWA).

Within Brighton, close to 1000 residents visited the Garage Sale Trail website. Twenty ga­rage sale events were held over the November weekend, with the majority of shoppers flock­ing to the sales to save money, find something unique and shop sustainably. Across the southern Tasmanian region, 29,406 people participated in the event, with $258,000 gen­erated for the local economy.

“It was pleasing that so many southern councils were able to participate in the program in 2023 with the support of STRWA. It’s clear that such large participation from com­munity members is leading to behaviour change, increased reuse of items and diversion of waste to landfill,” said Paul Jackson, CEO at STRWA.

Residents keen to snag a bargain or turn their stash into cash can now register their interest in the 2024 event, which takes place on 9-10 and 16- 7 November, 2024 at

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