New duck booklet launched

by Brighton Council

A booklet was recently launched to help people identify ducks in Tasma­nia and learn more about their diets, antics and how to keep them safe and healthy. In collab­oration with BirdLife Tasmania, the Pacific Black Duck Conservation Group and local councils, the booklet features illus­trations by Hobart-based artist Sam Lyne.

Karen Dick, Convenor of BirdLife Tasmania, said it’s important to know what food is safe for ducks. ‘Many people don’t realise that feeding ducks is seriously impact­ing our native species,” she said. “Feeding ducks any food can cause ill­nesses, pollute waterways where large numbers of ducks congregate and can attract rodents.”

“The only ducks that ben­efit from people feeding them are the Mallard, and we’d hate to see the Pacific Black Duck driven out of the Derwent due to cross-breeding, which is happening in other plac­es such as Macquarie, Lord Howe and Norfolk islands,” said Karen.

Want to know more? You can pick up your copy of the booklet from Brigh­ton Council.


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