Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School

by Brighton Council


Artist’s impression of the new Brighton High School.

The new Years 7-12 Brighton High School is starting to take shape, with construction well underway. As part of earlier consultation on the building masterplan, the Department for Education, Children and Young People received lots of valuable ideas that helped to shape the creation of three draft school logo concepts. Now it’s time for the community to have your say on the draft concepts.

Scan the QR code and you’ll be taken online to fill out a short survey. This survey will close on 6 October 2023. For more information about Brighton High School, please visit


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Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School
Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School
Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School
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Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School
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Survey on school logo open for Brighton High School
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