Masterplan sees Bridgewater waterfront as thriving precinct

by Brighton Council

Brighton Council has worked with community to create a comprehensive masterplan for the Bridgewater Bridge waterfront precinct. The Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Master plan prioritises the needs of the local residents, Council, and State Government and aims to make the Bridgewater waterfront area a place where the community can thrive.

The masterplan includes some creative opportunities for the reuse of the old bridge, where feasible, for public amenities. Brighton Council identified that the community loves the old bridge structure as an iconic symbol of Bridgewater’s industrial heritage. Options for reusing the old bridge include developing the north-ern span and tower caisson into a community pier. Another option is to convert a section into a public lookout tower with views across the Derwent Valley. These would also include relocating the southern tower to the intersection of Old Main Road and Weily Park Road or positioning it on the waterfront as a feature of the waterfront parklands. A final option if repurposing isn’t feasible, would be to demolish the old Bridgewater Bridge and creatively reuse the material in public artworks, park furniture and signage for the community.

Another identified opportunity is to improve the connection to the water’s edge for residents and visitors of the precinct. This will help to improve the liveability of Bridgewater and generate activity along the foreshore, which includes options for a boat ramp underneath the new Bridgewater Bridge, amenities for kayaking, and the development of walking trails with viewpoints.

Community consultation on the Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Masterplan has now closed. Brighton Council would like to thank the community for their feedback and will continue to develop these plans in collaboration with the palawa community, Brighton community residents, on-site stakeholders and region-wide stakeholders.

For more information on the Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Master plan, head to

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