Brighton’s Inspiring Future Leaders
by Brighton Council
Our future is in safe hands with Centacare Evolve Housing currently working with 10 Inspiring Future Leaders in Brighton. Inspiring Future Leaders program participants have been engaging in a range of workshops to develop their project ideas including gaining accreditations and getting out and about in the community.
Inspiring Future Leaders is a leadership program run by Centacare Evolve Housing in the Brighton and Derwent Valley areas. The program supports and empowers local community members to recognise their own leadership potential and gain confidence and skills in planning and delivering projects in community. The free 12-week program also offers the opportunity for participants to receive seed funding to bring their ideas into reality.
On a recent field trip, the Inspiring Future Leaders participants visited the Botanical Institute’s ‘Beauty Bar’, the Jordan River Services Gagebrook Neighbourhood House, and met with Brooke from the kutalayna Collective. Each of these visits highlighted local people responsible for the success of community programs and events. The group were also able to visit Brighton Council where they met with the new Community Development Officer, Kylie Murphy, to discuss some of the exciting priorities and opportunities in the community space.
Along the way, the current participants had the opportunity to chat with past Inspiring Future Leaders participant, Kathy, who started the Hand Up Clothing Exchange with initial support and seed funding through Centacare Evolve Housing. Kathy was able to share insights into the successes and challenges she has faced when bringing her community project to life.
The Brighton Inspiring Future Leaders will finish their program in October with a presentation of their ideas and a graduation ceremony where opportunities for seed funding will be announced.
Centacare Evolve Housing would like to thank all services that hosted the group on their field trip as well as the Tasmanian Community Fund for their ongoing support of Inspiring Future Leaders.