Older Tasmanians have their say

by Brighton Council

Over 1,500 older Tasma­nians contributed to the state’s next Active Ageing Strategy 2023 – 2029. The result of that consultation, the H.E.A.R. Active Age­ing Consultation Outcome Report, was launched in November by the Minister for Community Services and Development, the Hon Nic Street MP.

The consultation was funded by the Tasmanian Govern­ment and undertaken by the Council on the Ageing (COTA) Tasmania between February and June last year. The research methods were survey and postcard respons­es, community conversation groups, online sessions and text messages.

There were also collabo­rations with community organisations, including The Golden Wattle Café in Glenorchy. The café is the first of its kind in Southern Tasmania dedicated to those living with dementia, their caregivers and those over 45 living by themselves. Cafe patrons enjoy a cafe experi­ence, with music, craft and art activities on offer, and were helpful with sharing their experiences for the con­sultation.

COTA Tasmania CEO Craig Chadwick said concerns about housing, cost of living and access to appropriate healthcare were among the top priorities in all areas visited. “Similarly, access to and confidence with digital technology was frequently cited as impacting people’s overall sense of connection and involvement in their communities,” said Mr Chadwick.

The consultation report can be downloaded at www.cota­tas.org.au/information/con­sultation or you can contact COTA Tasmania 6231 3265 for a copy.

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