Charity House Project supports young people into construction
by Brighton Council
The Build Up Tassie Charity Home is currently being built by St Joseph Affordable Homes in Herdsmans Cove, on land gifted by the Tasmanian Government. More than 35 local businesses and individuals have pledged labour and materials to support construction of the four-bedroom home. The construction site doubles as a training space for current Build Up Tassie participants and St Joseph Affordable Homes apprentices. Build Up Tassie is a free pre-employment program developed and operated by Centacare Evolve Housing. Build Up Tassie supports young and vulnerable job seekers to gain meaningful employment in the building industry. Once construction is complete, the new home will be publicly sold. Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund the training of up to 50 young people through the Build Up Tassie program.